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Even if we see our bathroom as spotless, they will never be up to a womans standards. Its never going to be a womans bathroom. There will always be something squalid about them a particular lack of bubble gum, vanilla, lavender wool Ski socks manufacturers lotion and potpourri smell. Besides, there are six other days left in a week. There is no 642 Ways to Please Your Man; we just want to be left alone to do our thing in peace. In no way does this exhibit your inability to satisfy us in bed or our desire to cheat on you with a silicon-stuffed blond with humongous boobage, so leave us to our fictionalized sex meat puppets and the alone time that comes with it and you can have as many girl time as you want with your friends we dont like. We like what we like, and we dont what we dont like.
A lot of sexy girls feel that they are being cheated on upon learning that their boyfriends continue to watch porn and visit the occasional strip club even long after they begun dating. However, this doesnt mean we are not willing to make adjustments for the right girl. And yes, that means the whole day of Sunday. But if your partner has a habit of neglecting to pick up his socks, yelling at him about it will just give you a sore throat and a headache, nothing more; and a floor still littered with socks. But dont call us out on this and embarrass us. Of course, this doesnt mean we care for you any less; its just that we also care about football. Just accept it and move along. However, for the select few who still dont get it, you shouldnt make plans on all Sundays between the months of September and February.Men are not notably complex creatures. Its that simple.
To be honest, this is not much of a concern anymore because a lot of sexy girls are now into football, and those who arent dont give a rats ass in planning our lives around it. This is just something guys do.Sure, there may be occasions we forget to clean shaving stubble in the sink and take out that stray pube in the drain, but if there arent any mushrooms growing in the corners, give us a break
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